Middle School
Manhattan Youth
High School
Anime with Mrs. Bowman: Fridays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
Anime Club is a place to watch, talk about, and engage in anime. We go to conventions, have movie events at school, and simply have a good time! Come find us in room 702!
Asian Culture Club with Ms. Huang: Thursdays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
From Peking Opera to K-pop, dumplings to sushi, Asian Culture Club is a bridge between different cultures, a structure where students can feel connected and present. More than ever, it is important to have space in a school community where we can share and celebrate diversity and learn about each other. In our club, students gain knowledge about Asian cultures and build relationships with students from different backgrounds while expressing their uniqueness.
Black Student Union with Mr. Copeland: Wednesdays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
The BSU welcomes all students while serving as a space where Black students can uplift one another, speak freely about their experiences as SOF community members, and take pride in their history and culture. Our activities include student presentations and guest speakers who address the BSU or the entire SOF community, film screenings that address themes/topics important to the Black community, and workshops to deconstruct and discuss these films. We also take trips to eat at Black-owned restaurants, patronize other Black-owned businesses, and educate ourselves about the triumphs and struggles of Black people throughout the diaspora.
Book Club with Ms Bowman: Thursdays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
Book club is a student led club that picks its own books and reads them together. During the club meetings, students engage in a discussion about the text they are reading in a safe space that encourages all thoughts to be shared.
Chorus with Mr. Copeland: Tuesdays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period) and Thursday 3:30-5:00
In School of the Future High School Chorus, students hone or discover their vocal skills, collaborate, celebrate, and build community. We enjoy arranging throwbacks and classics to add a modern flare to them and putting our own spin on contemporary hits. If you’re interested, don’t talk about it, SING about it!
Fencing with Daniel Hurwitz: Mondays 3:30-5:00
Students explore the classic sport of épée fencing (competitive sword fighting), including warm-up exercises, footwork, and blade work drills, and progress to open and controlled bouting (the actual fencing part!). We provide all of the necessary safety equipment, except for athletic shoes. All levels of experience are welcome, and this is a great activity for students, including those who do not gravitate to traditional team sports.
The Gender and Sexuality Club with Ms. Thompson and Ms. Whittemore
The GSA club brings LGBTQIA+ youth and their allies together to discuss social, political, and emotional needs of the trans and queer communities. We learn about and celebrate the rich history of the LGBTQIA+ communities and their contributions to culture and society. We watch films and clips that prompt discussion about the important issues impacting the LGBTQIA+ communities today. The club aims to increase awareness, education, and activism within the school and community at large.
Glamour Gals with Ms. Cooper
Green Team with Ms. Birden: Mondays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
The Green Team works to build and maintain SOF’s rooftop hydroponic garden, support recycling and energy conservation initiatives at SOF, and spearhead other environmental projects of interest to our students. Be part of something bigger than yourself on our roof and in this issues-minded and socially collaborative group.
Jewish Student Union with Karissa: Wednesdays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
Key Club with Mrs. Bowman: Mondays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
Key Club, a Leadership and Service club, is a well established organization under the Kiwanis Group that provides a wealth of opportunities for School of the Future’s students. Detailed information about SOF’s Key Club can be found here.
Mental Health Club with La'Tish
Model UN with Ms. Thompson, Mr. Simonini, and Ms. Whittemore
Interested in international politics? Want to talk about world issues with your peers? Consider joining Model UN! The Model United Nations club (MUN) is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and other UN multilateral bodies. Students step into ambassadorial roles to debate topics like gender equality, climate action, and global health. They explore the identities of delegates from different countries and the challenge of solving real-world problems amid varying policies and perspectives. Club members attend and participate in a city-wide conference in the spring semester.
Students must apply to Model UN and be accepted in the fall semester.
Muslim Student Union with Ms. Thole: Thursdays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
MSU is a club to bring community together and spend time with others to cultivate ideas. Muslim Student Union is a club for Muslims and those interested in further learning about Islam or are curious in seeing how Islam works or affects people by having many discussions. This club is all-inclusive, meaning anyone could join, no matter what religion you practice. This club is where we could learn from each other and create bonds. We do many activities, such as movies, painting, etc. During Ramadan, MSU brings Muslim Students together to practice our religion even more, and non-muslims around us could understand it better. MSU is a club where we could trust one another and solve problems together as a group. The community is amazing and pleasant, it is a very beautiful environment where people engage in conversations.
Poetry Club with Alie: Tuesdays 3:40-4:40
In poetry club, EVERYONE can write poetry! Participants work on skills, play with words, and learn from each other. Bring your creativity, your curiosity, your wounds, your rage, your delight, your beloved lines from a song or poem, and discover new depths with us!
Robotics with Mr. Moore: Twice a week 3:30 - 5:00 (Specific days TBA)
SOF’s Cyberdogs! work together to design, build, and program a robot using engineering concepts, brainstorming innovative ideas, and developing career-ready practices. In the winter and spring, we take our robot on the road to compete in the city-wide First Tech Challenge. We welcome all skill levels, and we are not just about robots: high school students (grades 9-12) can contribute skills like coding, electronics, graphic design, social media, public speaking, videography, team management, fundraising, and more.
Student Leadership with La'Tish: Mondays 12:07-1:00 (HS lunch period)
To learn more about any of our clubs or join one, contact Bahiya Craig at [email protected].