Curriculum » Core Academic Courses by Grade

Core Academic Courses by Grade

  • 2 Humanities periods (Reading, Writing, Ancient Civilizations)
  • Math
  • Science (Life Science)
  • Physical Education
  • Studio Art
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Makers Workshop
  • Circles

6th Grade Site

  • 2 Humanities periods (Reading, Writing, Early American History)
  • Math
  • Science (Physical Science)
  • Spanish (1st semester)
  • Mandarin (2nd semester)
  • Physical Education
  • One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Band, Makers Workshop)
  • Circles

7th Grade Site

  • English
  • History (American History: 1865-present)
  • Math
  • Science (Earth Science)
  • Mandarin (1st semester)
  • Spanish (2nd semester)
  • Physical Education
  • One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Band, Makers Workshop)
  • Circles

8th Grade Site

  • English
  • Global History I
  • Algebra I*
  • Biology**
  • Spanish or Mandarin
  • Physical Education
  • One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Concert Band, Makers Workshop, Digital Design)
  • Circles

*Students who score 80 or higher on their 8th grade Algebra I Regents may take College Algebra and Problem Solving, an advanced Algebra class in which students write and present their Math Exhibition.

** All students take our Biology class, even if they have taken Living Environment.

9th Grade Site

  • English
  • Global History II
  • Geometry
  • Chemistry
  • Spanish or Mandarin
  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Concert Band, Makers Workshop, and Digital Design)
  • Circles

10th Grade Site

  • AP English (all SOF students)
  • Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 +Trig Honors
  • Physics, Environmental Science, or Organic Chemistry
  • Equal Justice (Government and Economics)
  • College Class (2nd Semester)
  • Electives (Art or Drama)
  • Two Pathways Courses per semester
  • SAT/ACT Prep (optional)
  • Circles
  • Exhibition Advisory
  • English
  • Democratizing Twentieth Century America (US History)
  • Math (Statistics or Calculus)
  • Science (Physics 2, AP Biology, Forensics, or Sport Science)
  • College Class (1st Semester)
  • Electives (Art, Drama, Digital Design)
  • Two Pathways Courses per semester
  • Circles
  • Exhibition Advisory

*Senior year, students can also apply to take afternoon courses at Co-op Tech.

12th Grade Site