Core Academic Courses by Grade
6th Grade
- 2 Humanities periods (Reading, Writing, Ancient Civilizations)
- Math
- Science (Life Science)
- Physical Education
- Studio Art
- Drama
- Music
- Makers Workshop
- Circles
7th Grade
- 2 Humanities periods (Reading, Writing, Early American History)
- Math
- Science (Physical Science)
- Spanish (1st semester)
- Mandarin (2nd semester)
- Physical Education
- One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Band, Makers Workshop)
- Circles
8th Grade
- English
- History (American History: 1865-present)
- Math
- Science (Earth Science)
- Mandarin (1st semester)
- Spanish (2nd semester)
- Physical Education
- One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Band, Makers Workshop)
- Circles
9th Grade
- English
- Global History I
- Algebra I*
- Biology**
- Spanish or Mandarin
- Physical Education
- One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Concert Band, Makers Workshop, Digital Design)
- Circles
*Students who score 80 or higher on their 8th grade Algebra I Regents may take College Algebra and Problem Solving (CAPS), an advanced Algebra class in which students write and present their Math Exhibition. We love our CAPS class, and no freshman take Geometry.
** All students take our Biology class, even if they have taken Living Environment.
10th Grade
- English
- Global History II
- Geometry
- Chemistry
- Spanish or Mandarin
- Physical Education
- Health
- One elective per semester (Studio Art, Drama, Concert Band, Makers Workshop, and Digital Design)
- Circles
11th Grade
- AP English (all SOF students)
- Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 +Trig Honors
- Physics, Environmental Science, or Organic Chemistry
- Equal Justice (Government and Economics)
- College Class (2nd Semester)
- Electives (Art or Drama)
- Two Pathways Courses per semester
- SAT/ACT Prep (optional)
- Circles
- Exhibition Advisory
12th Grade
- English
- Democratizing Twentieth Century America (US History)
- Math (Statistics or Calculus)
- Science (Physics 2, AP Biology, Forensics, or Sport Science)
- College Class (1st Semester)
- Electives (Art, Drama, Digital Design)
- Two Pathways Courses per semester
- Circles
- Exhibition Advisory
*Senior year, students can also apply to take afternoon courses at Co-op Tech.